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Images From Hikes ...
By Photos by Dan Arnold

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Welcome to post #1 for my new digital photgraphy blog. Enough people thought I had something of interest to say on the subject that they convinced me to start it up. Apologies to anyone coming here looking for something about photographic memory and not photography. Next link, thanks for the hit.

I'll be using this blog to showcase some of my favorite photos, as well as to post some ideas about digital cameras, many of which have been discussed elsewhere. I hope that readers (if any) will join in the discussion or make suggestions about cameras, photos, subjects, techniques, or other topics as appropriate.

Without further ado, the first photo, taken a couple of weeks ago using my Ebay KMart zoom lens mounted on my Pentax K110D DSLR:

breaking river wave

This lens was kind of an afternoon boredom shopping impulse purchase. It may also have been the first ebay auction I've ever won. The seller obviously had detected some flaw in the lens, as they very carefully stated that it was sold as-is, and any tiny flaws detected after the purchase were not their responsibility. The last zoom lens I owned has had wicked haze, possibly from lens fungus, for years, so I wasn't too worried about tiny occult flaws for $25. The fungus lens turned out not to be backwards-compatible with my K110D, and I had gotten frustrated trying to take far-away pictures with the OEM lens on the camera kit, so I figured I'd piddle about with this K Mart Special and see what happened. I like it a lot, and was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the light through ol' K Mart. I got a new zoom lens for Christmas, but I'll keep the manual focus around for when I want something I can take with me without feeling nervous.


Shiggy said...

So the lens turned what was a tranquil pond shot into one of a raging waterfall. Neat. Wonder what happens when you point it at people.

LinusMines said...

Unless you find a subject that makes K-Mart's flaws apparent, I'll say it was a good purchase.

arbitrary said...

Thanks! I take it mostly as a reminder that there are a lot of people with far more technical know-how and discernment than I have out there going over used equipment with a fine-toothed comb so that I don't have to. In this case, the comb might have been finer-toothed than it needed to be. Maybe it was just a caveat and I'm reading too much into it.

steprous said...

right on! it looks huge but the wave is small and looks muddy water! -bear

arbitrary said...

The wave actually wasn't that was probably a good 12" high measured from the sand to the peak. It was from the wake of a tug that had gone by about 2 minutes earlier in the middle of the river. It's all muddy and sandy like that from the action of the wave, and also because we had just had several days of storms and flooding, and a lot of junk got washed down into the river.

arbitrary said...

I'm jealous of all of your icons, so I'm commenting to test if I got mine to show up.

Annette said...

Great shot! I also like the flip flop picture. -squisheegirl (aka astronette)