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Images From Hikes ...
By Photos by Dan Arnold

Thursday, February 21, 2008

eclipse photos

I can't very well say you saw it here first, as I've posted these elsewhere as well, but I managed a few shots of the eclipse last night.

I spent a couple of hours going out to the driveway and back taking photos with my zoom lens and a tripod. The weather here was quite nice, so I was able to go out and take pictures with just a sweater, no jacket. The eclipse had already peaked by the time I figured out how to tighten down the head on the tripod that I've owned for 17 years now, and was well on its way out when it occurred to me that I could eliminate the rest of the jiggle from pushing the button by using the 2 second timer.


eclipse 3


eclipse 9

After (with airplane(plus you can see at the start of the airplane trail where the camera jiggled from my finger pushing the button)):

eclipse with passing plane

And so on:

RAW eclipse 4

eclipse 12


eclipse 13

eclipse 22

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